UConn Pre-College Summer (PCS) strives to make our program as financially accessible as possible. In doing so, we offer discounts (early bird and multiple session discounts) for students and their families to help save money on their summer endeavors. Additionally, UConn PCS has a small number of need-based discounts and scholarships. The goal is to provide greater access to students that would otherwise not be able to afford to attend the program for one session. A full course scholarship and partial need-based discounts are available.
UConn PCS awards these discounts and scholarships as generously and equitably as possible based on income and the eligibility guidelines provided below. Previous participants that have received a UConn PCS scholarship or discount are not eligible for a second time. To be considered, eligible students must:
- Complete an online program application
- Reside in the United States
- Show evidence of good academic standing
- Complete an essay prompt telling us why you deserve the scholarship or discount and how will receiving the aid, support your future academic goals?
- Demonstrate financial need by having a household annual gross income of $80,000 or less
- Receive confirmation from a school counselor supporting your participation and confirming you meet the eligibility guidelines. You will be able to send a request form to the school counselor on the online program application.
- Applications with discount and scholarships considerations will be decided on a rolling basis and will be awarded until funding has been distributed in its entirety (early submission is encouraged)
If financial assistance is needed for the $50 application fee, please contact pcs@uconn.edu to discuss your options.
Climate Science Scholarship
Through a grant from Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) to Professor Feng and Department of Earth Sciences, UConn PCS will provide eligible students with a full scholarship which will enable students to participate in the Climate Science course at no cost.
Please note:
- Funding for this access initiative is limited and will not be available to all who apply
- Discounts and scholarships are provided on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are limited
- Students that are awarded a scholarship or discount will be limited to take one Climate Science course from the entire duration of the program. If students can cover the costs of an additional course, they are not eligible to receive a discount or scholarship. Students risk forfeiting the discount or scholarship awarded and will be unenrolled.
Multimedia Journalism Scholarship
Through a generous donation from supporters of the non-profit Connecticut Health Investigative Team, the UConn Department of Journalism and UConn PCS will provide eligible students with a full scholarship which will enable students to participate in the Multimedia Journalism course at no cost.
Please note:
- Funding for this access initiative is limited and will not be available to all who apply
- Discounts and scholarships are provided on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are limited
- Students that are awarded a scholarship or discount will be limited to take one Multimedia Journalism course from the entire duration of the program. If students can cover the costs of an additional course, they are not eligible to receive a discount or scholarship. Students risk forfeiting the discount or scholarship awarded and will be unenrolled.
UConn PCS Life Transformative Education Access Initiative – CLOSED
The UConn PCS Life Transformative Education Access Initiative is closed as it has reached funding capacity.
UConn Pre-College Summer will provide eligible students with a partial discount of either 40% or 70% off the total cost of the program fees of one non-credit course.
Please note:
- Funding for this access initiative is limited and will not be available to all who apply
- Discounts and scholarships are provided on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are limited
- Students that are awarded a scholarship or discount will be limited to take one non-credit course from the entire duration of the program. If students enroll in more than one course and can cover the costs of an additional course, they are not eligible to receive a discount or scholarship. Students risk forfeiting the discount or scholarship awarded and will be unenrolled.
External Funding Opportunities
In an effort to provide alternate sources of funding, we encourage you to seek and research external scholarship sites and other funding ideas. Please note that the University of Connecticut and the Pre-College Summer Program in no way encourages these organizations or ideas. Questions regarding external funding sources should be directed towards the organization.
- FastWeb
- College Board
- Online Fundraising Websites (i.e. GoFundMe)
- Student's school counselor and community for academic scholarship and fundraising opportunities
- 529 Plan funds
- Students and their families planing to use 529 funds should make our office aware. Checks may be made out to 'University of Connecticut' and mailed to the address below. The check memo should include the student's full name.