Nutrition: Human Nutrition and Health

How do dietary behaviors impact human body function and health?

Prerequisite: High School Biology with a grade of C or higher

The field of nutritional science explores the interactions between living organisms and food. Exploring nutritional concepts is applicable to everyday life and a variety of professions that includes medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, physician assistant, dietetics, education, policy, and the food, retail, and restaurant industry. Taking this course will give you an advantage about how what we eat or drink impacts the functioning of the human body and a person’s health.

This course will introduce you to the field of nutritional science and health. Students will have interactive in-class lectures with videos. In addition, students will use critical thinking skills to complete case studies and hands-on activities individually and small groups to further their understanding about dietary behaviors, nutrients in foods and the human body, and linking nutrient intake to overall health. In addition, students will learn about educational pathways and experiences leading to careers in healthcare, nutrition, research, and the food industry.

Image of lecture

Sessions Offered

 Session 3: July 13 – July 19


Residential, Non-Credit

This class is meant to be immersive, and students will be able to:

• Identify factors that impact food and beverage selection
• Identify nutrients in specific foods and beverages
• Discuss how food is processed in the body
• Explore the connection between dietary behaviors and health outcomes
• Identify strategies and steps to pursue a career related to healthcare, nutrition, research, and the food industry

Image of students in class

Image of student

Students in class

Schedule at a Glance


7am – 9am: Breakfast

9am – 12pm: Class

12pm – 1:30: Lunch

1:30pm – 4pm: Class or Workshop

2:40pm – 4:45pm: Closing Ceremony on Friday

5pm – 7pm: Dinner

7pm – 9pm: Social Programming

10:30pm: Room Checks

Meet the Professor


Image of Professor Chea

Molika Chea is a lecturer in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Connecticut. She has completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Connecticut majoring in Nutritional Sciences and Biological Sciences.
With an interest in understanding the relationship between nutrient function, dietary behaviors, and health, she continued her graduate studies in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Connecticut. She has conducted research with populations in Connecticut about meeting the recommendations for plant-based food groups and the ability to identify whole grain foods.
Dr. Chea currently teaches NUSC 1165: Fundamentals of Nutrition and NUSC 1167: Food, Culture, and Society during the academic year. She is also Associate Director of the Master’s of Personalized Nutrition Online Program and Graduate Certificates in Precision Nutrition and Plant-Based Food and Nutrition Online Program at the Department of Nutritional Sciences. She also teaches an online graduate course, NUSC 5325: Principles of Nutritional Assessment.