Creative Writing

Learn to write with voice, choice, and creativity!

Students (and educators) too often regard the essay as merely an instrument of assessing learning, but the essay has a rich history as a creative genre.  In this course we will approach the essay as the creative, dynamic, imaginative literary form that it actually is.  Your approach to writing essays will not be the same and you'll never go back to the five paragraph essay again!

You will leave this course with a very different and improved understanding of the essay, and you will be better writers. The essays you write in the future may challenge some of your teachers’ more conventional expectations, but they will be better, more interesting, and more like the real writing professional essayists actually create. Your professors in college will be grateful.

Sessions Offered

No longer available,

see Course Offerings page


Residential, Non-Credit

This class is meant to be immersive and students will experience:

  • Students will become better writers, more independent, more creative, and more original.
  • Students will choose topics of interest, explore genres of writing, develop their own voice, and write!
  • Learn a little bit about the history of the essay as a literary genre.
  • Read a variety of essays form a variety of essayists.
  • Experiment with writing different kinds of essays, such as personal essays, op-eds, commentaries, and rants.
  • Share writing with one another both for revision and entertainment.
  • Play around with some multimodal forms of composition.

Image of students

Image of student

Image of students

Schedule at a Glance


7am – 9am: Breakfast

9am – 12pm: Class

12pm – 1:30: Lunch

1:30pm – 4pm: Class or Workshop

2:40pm – 4:45pm: Closing Ceremony on Friday

5pm – 7pm: Dinner

7pm – 9pm: Social Programming

10:30pm: Room Checks

Meet the Professors


Dr. Jason Courtmanche (Associate Professor in Residence; Director of Connecticut Writing Project) is a former high school English teacher who became an English college professor. He works primarily with undergraduates who want to be high school English teachers but also works with high school English teachers who teach the UConn Early College Experience course. If you are a student in Connecticut, there is a good chance that Jason taught one or more of your English teachers. He has won several teaching awards and has published academic essays, personal essay, poetry, and the rare work of fiction. He runs the Connecticut Student Writers contest, Letters About Literature, and the Scholastic Writing Awards. If you want to know more about what he does, check out his blog, The Write Space.

Connecticut Writing Project
UConn Early College Experience English course

Katie Grant is a Training and Organizational Development Specialist with the Connecticut Education Association, where she works to support the advancement of the teaching profession, as well as the experiences of students in schools, across the state. She was previously a high school English teacher and UConn ECE Experience Instructor as well as program staff for UConn Pre-College Summer. Katie loves all things in teaching and learning—and especially all things relating to the teaching and learning of reading and writing. As a high school teacher, Katie was focused on creating student leadership opportunities through directing her school's yearbook program and writing center.